Portable Rechargeable Battery Headphones & Earbuds

Headphones with Rechargeable Battery

The key to any set of wireless headphones and earbuds is the question of power. Regular headphones draw the power they need from the headphone jack, but wireless ones don't have that advantage. They need batteries to drive the speakers, and the more features the speakers have, the more power they draw. There are two basic kinds of wireless speakers, those with rechargeable batteries and those with removable batteries.

What's the Difference Between Removable and Rechargeable Battery Headphones?

While some removable battery headphones may actually use rechargeable batteries, they still make the same tradeoffs as if they used alkaline batteries.

  • Rechargeable Headphones: These usually feature lithium-ion batteries and can be smaller than headphones using standard cells. You also don't have to worry about running out of batteries because the battery is built into the headphones.
  • Removable Headphones: Removable battery headphones can usually work with a wide range of battery technologies. They can be bulkier to make room for the battery pack, but have the advantage that as long as you have batteries, you never have to wait for your headphones to charge.

Bluetooth Headphones

The most common technology for wireless headphones is Bluetooth. Bluetooth headphones use very little power and can easily pair with different source devices. It is the closest equivalent to a universal solution since the headphone jack. It's also popular with wireless earbuds as well as full size headphones because of the low power requirements. Bluetooth does provide a limited range, but when you're using the headphones with a portable device or sitting at a computer desk three metres or so can be plenty. It's an excellent choice for anyone who simply wants a pair of wireless headphones, especially as many can recharge using the same USB chargers you already have. You can get Bluetooth technology on a wide range of headphones ranging from tiny in-the-ear earbuds to full size cans that cover the entire side of your head.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Many companies try to distinguish their products from the competition through the features like noise cancellation. A good set of Bose headphones can make you feel like there's nothing else happening around you thanks to active noise cancellation. The idea behind noise-cancelling headphones is simple. An external microphone picks up incoming sounds, which are simply pressure waves, and then feeds them to a processor. The system then recreates the incoming sound out of phase, so the lows and highs cancel out. It works much better than trying to drown out the sound with volume alone because it reduces the overall sound pressure level rather than increasing it. The end result is that you hear the music you want, not the noise you don't.